Volume 57
Topic: "Have You Become Heart Centered?"
Date Aired: Monday, February 3rd 2025 |
Have You Become Heart Centered?
The Snake Year we're now in is all about our transformation, strategy and staying grounded. The 2 vibration of this February indicates that we need to focus on what we still may need to do to be Heart Conscious and live in Trust, Love and Peace. Time to reconcile those issues which keep us at odds with ourselves... and the world. February may be harsh for lots of us... it is "fish or cut bait" time. My talk will give you some ideas on how to fish. |
Volume 56
Topic: "Ready to Take the Lead in Your Life?"
Date Aired: Monday, January 6th 2025 |
Ready to Take the Lead in Your Life?
Massive changes lie ahead! And it's time for us to "walk the talk" and put our new story out there. The 1 vibration of this January indicates that the timing couldn't be better! As we revised our definition of Power and Authority last year - a fresh start, new beginnings is the order of the Universe! |
Volume 55
Topic: "Climb Aboard for the Magical New Direction"
Date Aired: Monday, December 2nd 2024 |
Climb Aboard for the Magical New Direction
The 2/11 frequency always suggests (remember, The Universe respects your free will) slowing down, grounding within, and removing judgments... all to embrace this new chapter opening us up to brighter, more fulfilling days. We begin by enjoying the holidays - our friends, family, loved ones. Your goal is to be grounded in your Heart to make life simpler and easier. It's how life works now! This month gives us the option. |
Volume 54
Topic: "Love is in the Air"
Date Aired: Monday, November 4th 2024 |
Love is in the Air
Join me for Zoom 54! The 1 frequency this month ushers in an entirely new chapter in manifesting - It's time to walk the talk and wear your Heart on your sleeve! The 1 frequency always indicates new beginnings, fresh starts and a new chapter opening up to brighter, more fulfilling days. Now's the hour to act on the inner growth and awareness we gained from "resetting" our Power and Authority this year. Hang onto your hat as November is a BIG month - many surprises and changes are in the air! You want to be grounded in your Heart to make life simpler and easier. It's how life works now! This month will show us the way. |
Volume 53
Topic: "Is Your Heart Smiling?"
Date Aired: Monday, October 7th 2024 |
Is Your Heart Smiling?
We're deep diving into closing out the 9 month cycle of reset and renewal. The end result on October 31st is that you'll be feeling clearer and brighter about yourself and in a place to make you happier and more at peace within. So - Let's get recharged and refreshed! There's a broad spectrum of insights to share to make your days a whole lot lighter and brighter. It feels like life is more uncertain than ever... However, not if you're feeling the Love! Give yourself 100% support to remain centered and grounded. That way your best life is just around the corner! |
Volume 52
Topic: "You Have What it Takes!"
Date Aired: Monday, September 9th 2024 |
You Have What It Takes!
Feeling that life is up past your eyeballs? Has all this changing and releasing created more stress than you can manage? Has it become hard to see the "Light" in this upside down world? If you're thinking "Yes!" - then join me for this talk and get recharged and refreshed! It feels like life is more uncertain than ever... HOWEVER, you don't have to be! Give yourself 100% support to remain centered and grounded. That way your best life is just around the corner! |
Volume 51
Topic: "Are You Ready?"
Date Aired: Monday, August 5th 2024 |
Are You Ready?
While the last few months have been especially challenging, the time has come to make that leap into the 5th dimension! Yes - it's all uncertain & not our favorite place to be... HOWEVER, the Universal Energies, the Affirmative Field, are right with us, giving us 100% support in making this Big Shift! Leo dominates the cosmic scene - New Moon in Leo, Lunar and Solar Gates, and most impactful, the LionsGate on 8-8-8 is unusually powerful this year in guiding us to our new power point. Find out how they lend a hand as you Rise and let your Light Shine! |
Volume 50!!
Topic: "I Love Me!"
Date Aired: Monday, July 1st 2024 |
I Love Me
The last few months have been especially challenging as our inner work has intensified! By facing our core shadows, we're emerged more able to create a new story line – one that is based in Love, the Heart Consciousness! You'll hear the new ways to love and nurture yourself in order to stay grounded, centered & confident... and what happens next when you do! |
Volume 49
Topic: "I Count!"
Date Aired: Monday, June 3rd 2024 |
I Count
Key input on what's coming up in the next 6 months! I'm covering the collective - ie. global conditions & events as well our personal growth as individuals. Will we create evolution... revolution... or devolution? Big choice for each of us this month - if fact, it doesn't get much bigger! If you still believe that what you think, say or do, doesn't matter, this talk is definitely one that you will want to hear. We're all in this together! You count! |
Volume 48
Topic: "May Says: Stay Lit!"
Date Aired: Monday, May 13th 2024 |
Stay Lit
"Stay lit" is another way to say "be great"! In a practical sense, it's reminding us to keep thinking big! With the Consciousness crowd, it's about keeping our light shining in the world! Key input on how each of us can regain our inner balance by creating a new inner alignment. I think we've all been through some pretty chaotic days, and a breath of fresh air is what's needed now to restore balance and harmony in our lives. May offers us terrific options to make those shifts into zest, zeal and zip! |
Volume 47
Topic: "Make New Decisions"
Date Aired: Thursday, Apr 4th 2024 |
Make New Decisions!
Let's make the most of April's beautiful 3 frequency which opens the gateway for you to lead your best life! Find out the global trends, timelines that are happening this month to handle your life most positively. With all the crazy life changing cosmic activity - Eclipses, Pluto Retrograde, Jupiter and Uranus hooking up in Taurus, Lunar Nodes' uber activation - we must first know the playing field we're in. Find out how the 3 monthly frequency can ease the way through the demands being made on you... how 3 shows you the way to make your life smoother, easier... to put you back in the driver's seat! |
Volume 46
Topic: "The Deep Dive Ahead"
Date Aired: Monday, Mar 4th 2024 |
The Deep Dive Ahead
Are you ready for the implosive month ahead? March requires Renewal, Transmutation and Evolution and is demanding that we journey into the depths of our Soul as never before. The shift from Revolution to Evolution is on... March is definitely a crossroad month for us all! Are you choosing the path of the Conscious Creator, the Peaceful Warrior? It is time to forge ahead with your Heart on your sleeve and eyes focused on the new horizon! |
Volume 45
Topic: "What Are You Waiting For?"
Date Aired: Monday, Feb 5th 2024 |
What Are You Waiting For?
Are you ready for an exciting month ahead? February is offering up more options to move forward than we've had in a long, long time! The Magic is all around... IF you take action! Can you feel the "Abracadabra"? Now is the time to step onto center stage and be the star of your own life! |
Volume 44
Topic: "The 2024 Overview"
Date Aired: Monday, Jan 8th 2024 |
The 2024 Overview
An 8 Universal Year always brings with it massive opportunities for change and growth! 2024 will be no exception! 8's Big Energy means Big Changes… which means we've got Big Choices to make. Get tuned in to make 2024 easier and smoother for yourself as you now know your personal timeline. We've all been living through fierce times and 2024 will be no less challenging. I'm very excited to be giving this talk... May each of us enjoy a happy, healthy and prosperous new year! |
Volume 43
Topic: "The Opportunity to Improve"
Date Aired: Monday, Dec 4th 2023 |
The Opportunity to Improve
The Opportunity to Improve This December we move into the 1 frequency of new beginnings, new chapter, new approach to living. Your beliefs... your passion... & your vision are all activated this month to set you on your way to your best life! Wow! Are you prepared? Yes, you are! |
Volume 42
Topic: "A Pivotal Time"
Date Aired: Monday, November 13th 2023 |
A Pivotal Time
It's time to say "Enough! No more!" to the conflicts, illnesses and injustices of our 3rd Dimensional world. It is time to empower ourselves and remake our world for the 4th and 5th Dimension. Changing the timelines for ourselves as well as global events really IS within our Power! Tune-in to Zoom-in' 42 and discover WHY "flipping the switch" is so vitally important now and HOW to do it! |
Volume 41
Topic: "Time's Up"
Date Aired: Monday, October 2nd 2023 |
Time's Up
This October is a VERY BIG deal as it's time to choose Heart-based, expanded consciousness as our core. Expanded awareness means bold, courageous thinking and sustainable action to living new visions. Are you up for this? Are you going to decide whether you will step out of 3rd Dimensional thinking or not? Will you continue to play the victim or become the magician? Will you remain in Love of Power or embrace the Power of Love? |
Volume 40
Topic: "Catch Up With Yourself"
Date Aired: Monday, September 11th 2023 |
Catch Up With Yourself
Smell the coffee or the roses - what's your pleasure... kick back... and let the dust settle! Most of us have spent quite a bit of time this year in deep therapeutic healing. This awareness changes things - you, your body, your energy! I'll be discussing what's in store for us! The reasons may surprise you - so tune in and get as many insights as possible to give an assist! You and your body need to hear these! Haniel and D5 may just join us as they are the real experts of multi-dimensional living. |
Volume 39
Topic: "Leo's Magic is Here!"
Date Aired: Monday, August 7th 2023 |
Leo's Magic is Here!
Join me to hear what shifts are operating in the Cosmos that will assist you in creating a new data base that puts you in the driver's seat to evolve to the next level of Conscious Awareness. I'll be talking specifically about these Galactic Energies and how they are impacting our choices and our RELATIONSHIPS! The Galactic New Year, the rise of Sirius, the Lions Gate and Nodal Shifts have a huge impact on you and your creativity, creating new and healthier relationships with time, money, health and LOVE! |
Volume 38
Topic: "You Are the Star of your Show!"
Date Aired: Monday, July 10th 2023 |
A Step Toward Mastery
Deirdre talks specifically about the Energies in our Galaxy and how they are impacting our choices and our lifestyle. You may think you're busy, however, I can guarantee that outer space is busier! Since 5 in Numerology is about choice, change and freedom, Talk 38 will give you insights into synchronizing with the Universal Energy Field which supports your dreams for a brighter, lighter future. |
Volume 37
Topic: "You Are the Star of your Show!"
Date Aired: Monday, June 5th 2023 |
You Are the Star of your Show!
We're facing choices this in June which will impact us for years to come! Fortunately, the universal energies are upbeat - they are encouraging us to get a wiggle on! The insights will give you a boost in connecting with the Universal Energy which supports your dreams for a brighter, lighter future. Hear the gold star stuff that's awaiting you. Your choices this month are awesome. Listen, evaluate, decide! |
Volume 36
Topic: "Are You Making It Fun Yet?"
Date Aired: Monday, May 1st 2023 |
Are you making it fun yet?
The Universe is saying - "get it straight and get clear!" Now is the hour! It's time to reclaim your Power and Authority. Will you be choosing to stay in "Power Over" or move into "Power To"? My insights will give you a boost to smoothly navigate this imminent Eclipse using May's 3 Frequency! Why go on overwhelm? Hear the gold star stuff that will make your life easier. |
Volume 35
Volume 34
Volume 33
Volume 32
Volume 31
Volume 30
Topic: "The Great Reboot"
Date Aired: Monday, November 14th 2022 |
The Great Reboot is at Hand. Are You In or Out of the Echo Chamber?
Did you face a situation where you experienced an emotional struggle that’s been haunting you - costing you time and energy? Did you head for the cave & go into denial as you were not willing to take the hard look at things? If the latter was your “M.O.”, then perhaps it’s why you can’t let yourself be happy, energized and start manifesting! Your Heart is still undercover! You haven’t integrated it as a vital part of You! |
Volume 29
Topic: "2023 PREVIEW!"
Date Aired: Monday, October 10th 2022 |
October always clues us in to the themes and dreams of the coming year. Pay close attention to this month – learn to observe both the personal and global events which indicate the next opportunities and challenges we may face in the new year. What’s your next move? What will you be choosing? This talk is a Preview. I will share much much more in the new year. Get the insights… then hear Haniel’s and D5’s or the “new voice’s” take on what they feel is relevant to the conversation! |
Volume 28
Topic: "Relationships... More Relationships!"
Date Aired: Wednesday, September 14th 2022 |
Relationships… Relationships… More Relationships!
What does this mean for you? The dynamics are different as the 4th Dimensional paradigm is now penetrating our consciousness more. The higher energy, increased light are clarifying the new guidance for interacting, treating each other. What’s your next move? Hear the new guidance, a new code for creating healthier relationships - with yourself, friends, family, a romantic partner or a business associates. Are you be willing to explore new ways of interacting? Or are you going to choose the status quo? |
Volume 27
Topic: "3-2-1 Action"
Date Aired: Monday, August 8th 2022 |
Time to Move Beyond Your Comfort Zone!
The Energy this month intensifies… faster pace… more surprises… and our earth is busy standing up to say “No More”! Lines are being drawn this month, and you are asked to join in. Not surprisingly, August will be a demanding month. The timing is such that we must make choices based on the deep inner work we’ve been doing. We must Choose ACTION! And our actions must now be based in our Heart because August is the bridge from the 3rd to the 4th dimension. I know that many of you feel and believe you’re heading into the 5th! However, check yourself out to make sure your Heart is in full operational mode… otherwise you may be surprised to find yourself still sitting in the 3rd dimension. |
Volume 26
Topic: "Power in the 4th Dimension"
Date Aired: Wednesday, July 20th 2022 |
Power in the 4th Dimension: Understanding & Mastering 4D Power
This July is a demanding month so expect some fireworks. The pace will be intense, if not grueling. For that reason, prepare to stand for yourself. And to do so, it is essential that you understand the power dynamic of the 4th Dimension. Join me for a deep dive into the state of power and authority in you, the 4th Dimension and today's world. How do we use the new power base to build momentum collectively and take charge of changing our lives? Learn what shift has taken place in the cosmos that we now get to create a new power base that can put us in the driver's seat. Are you in the driver's seat? |
Volume 25
Topic: "2022 Second Half Overview"
Date Aired: Monday, June 13th 2022 |
It's time for the 2022 Second Half OVERVIEW!
Take a big breath! The pace is picking up! And, so will the events that affect us. We all will be challenged, tested and yes, even vexed at times. That's why it’s now more important than ever that we are grounded and centered within. Thank goodness June gives us the opportunity to create new approaches that spare us from the havoc that circumstances heap on us! So please tune in for my insights on how the remainder of 2022 (June 1- Dec 31st) will play out and how you can best handle the upcoming craziness and still accomplish your goals! There’s so much to cover. |