Take Back Your Power!
This is a dynamic and accelerated process best suited for those who have done a lot of inner work.
Our birthright is that we are made of Light, Love and Joy. We just forget this when we get into our bodies and are mesmerized by the Third Dimensional belief that we grow through “pain and suffering”.
These six sessions are designed to get you out of your head and its doubt, fear, lack programming and into your Heart of Trust, Love and Abundance. Break free & embrace your Heart and the Fourth Dimension with this powerful six-session course.
Our birthright is that we are made of Light, Love and Joy. We just forget this when we get into our bodies and are mesmerized by the Third Dimensional belief that we grow through “pain and suffering”.
These six sessions are designed to get you out of your head and its doubt, fear, lack programming and into your Heart of Trust, Love and Abundance. Break free & embrace your Heart and the Fourth Dimension with this powerful six-session course.

Session I: The Psychic Wound
Between ages 2 and 5, an emotional hurt or trauma formed your fundamental attitudes about love and power by breaking your innate trust in yourself and the Universe. Without examining these wounds, we are destined to continue on the same road, repeating the same patterns of frustration and wondering why our dreams never seem to work out. Discovering your physic wound allows you to break the influence of the past and move forward into the life you always imagined.
Between ages 2 and 5, an emotional hurt or trauma formed your fundamental attitudes about love and power by breaking your innate trust in yourself and the Universe. Without examining these wounds, we are destined to continue on the same road, repeating the same patterns of frustration and wondering why our dreams never seem to work out. Discovering your physic wound allows you to break the influence of the past and move forward into the life you always imagined.

Session II: The Birth Agreement
In the moments before you entered this Lifetime, you made an agreement with Mother that has exerted a huge influence on your personal and professional relationships. Often this contract is based in fear, preventing you from having healthy relationships. We uncover and reframe this contract to assist you in creating the love & relationships you always imagined. With this new awareness, you can change the agreement and achieve a fresh mindset that supports your goals far more effectively.
In the moments before you entered this Lifetime, you made an agreement with Mother that has exerted a huge influence on your personal and professional relationships. Often this contract is based in fear, preventing you from having healthy relationships. We uncover and reframe this contract to assist you in creating the love & relationships you always imagined. With this new awareness, you can change the agreement and achieve a fresh mindset that supports your goals far more effectively.

Session III: The Underminer
A brief and extremely effective tune-up designed to help you undo your unconscious sabotage of your best intentions. These unconscious emotions are absorbed during childhood and undermine you by keeping you feeling “inadequate”.
A brief and extremely effective tune-up designed to help you undo your unconscious sabotage of your best intentions. These unconscious emotions are absorbed during childhood and undermine you by keeping you feeling “inadequate”.

Session IV: The Emotional Clearing House
Visualize yourself clear of the “toxic emotions” which are lodged in your body. Convert those “oh too familiar” feelings that derail you. Next we use guided meditation to replace these emotional blocks with the new lighter Affirmative Heart Energy to lift your Spirit and help you soar!
Visualize yourself clear of the “toxic emotions” which are lodged in your body. Convert those “oh too familiar” feelings that derail you. Next we use guided meditation to replace these emotional blocks with the new lighter Affirmative Heart Energy to lift your Spirit and help you soar!

Sessions V and VI: Integrative Work
Assimilate everything you have learned and examined during your spiritual growth into your practical every-day life. Time is provided to process this new mindset and become comfortable with the “new you” – the best you – so you can experience lasting success and happiness.
Assimilate everything you have learned and examined during your spiritual growth into your practical every-day life. Time is provided to process this new mindset and become comfortable with the “new you” – the best you – so you can experience lasting success and happiness.