Deirdre is a world-renowned clarity coach
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I am most well known for my Spiritual Contract readings. Today, more than other time in present human history, knowing who you are and how to live your fullest potential is essential to living well. Discussing your soul contract is an empowering experience. Not only do you gain insight into your greater self and how to make a difference in the world, you’re given the tools to live it!
Courses are typically structured as multi-week workshops that consist of regular classes. These classes are designed to provide in-depth learning and understanding of a particular subject like Numerology or Metaphysics.
The workshops often include a mix of lectures, hands-on activities, group discussions, and assessments to enhance the learning experience. Participants are encouraged to engage actively, ask questions, and collaborate with peers, which helps in reinforcing the concepts taught.
Current Available Classes:
The workshops often include a mix of lectures, hands-on activities, group discussions, and assessments to enhance the learning experience. Participants are encouraged to engage actively, ask questions, and collaborate with peers, which helps in reinforcing the concepts taught.
Current Available Classes: